Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Credit Repair "DIY" Do It Yourself (100 tips in 30 days)

Tip #44: Keep track of your money

Most people are surprised by how quickly their money seems to be spent. This is because impulse spending and small-change spending really adds up. Small-change spending is small spending we do without even thinking about it - buying a coffee or a newspaper we don’t need.

Impulse spending refers to simply buying things we don’t use or need. In both cases, we end up spending too much unnecessarily, and this is a problem in credit repair because you want to be channeling as much money as you can into savings and debt repayment so that you can repair your credit.

For a month, try keeping a daily record of every penny you spend - including the money you spend on phones, the money you spend on tips, everything. You will be amazed where your money goes. Keeping track of your money this way does two things:

1) It automatically cuts down on spending. If you have to write down where you spend your money, you will be much more careful what you spend your money on.

2) It allows you to see where you waste your money and take steps to stop the bad habit. If you notice that you always buy the newspaper on Saturday but never read it, for example, you can stop buying the paper on that day. Small savings can add up over the years and can put you in good financial shape which will be reflected in your credit risk rating.

Visit for you very own “DIY” Do It Yourself Credit Repair Kit.

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